SnowHaze will soon support anonymous payment methods

The big crypto currency hype is over – luckily. Once the gamblers and con-men are out of the crypto currency game, we can finally start using them for what they were originally designed for – decentralized and potentially anonymous payments.

Let’s start with the big news first: In a few weeks our SnowHaze VPN service will be extended to all platforms! We are excited to be able to serve all customers across different platforms and we want to use this chance to extend our supported payment methods. As the first VPN company to provide a VPN with privacy by design; we will start to offer truly anonymous payment methods, too.

Our VPN service has been thus far iOS only targeted and Apple handled all the subscriptions and payments. While payments in the App Store are not generally anonymous, with respect to SnowHaze VPN they are, as we do not receive any information about our customers. We see user data as a liability and thus want to avoid the collection of user data at all cost. The less we know about you, the better it is for you, as we cannot disclose what we don’t know and there is zero risk of any information leaks.

Starting with the extension of our VPN service to all platforms, you will be able to sign up for our VPN service without disclosing an e-mail address or any other personal information. In addition, you will be able to pay with cash and crypto currencies. You might be wondering how we handle your account, if we don’t even have an e-mail address. More details will follow soon: follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep updated. Our unique account management is essentially based on cryptography and designed to provide the best privacy possible. And what is more private than paying with cash without even disclosing an e-mail address? Moreover, our VPN will continue to offer privacy by design and not just privacy by policy. We will share about the exact specifications in the next weeks, so stay tuned!

The crypto currencies we will support include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Monero. Drop us an e-mail if there are other currencies that you would like to see supported.

Very soon we will also be starting a forum and a newsletter to keep in touch with our users. If you have any questions in the meantime, write us an e-mail or contact us through Wire. We love to get customer feedback and want to create a better world wide web, together with you!

About the Author


Co-Founder of Illotros GmbH, which created SnowHaze